Ya Rly

Orly is quickly becoming one of my favorite brands.  Between them and Misa they are starting to give China Glaze a serious run for their money.   The rubberized handles are simply perfection.  I also am totally in love with the fact that the bottles look really large, they are heavy, solid, and feel like they are great quality.  They are really doing the trick for my bottle fetish.  The color selection is pretty good too.  I just really wish they had more blue and green cremes.  But I am covered on pink, red and purple cremes from them, holy crap.  
This is about as close to straight up pink as I allow myself to buy anymore. I just have too many pinks.  That's a real problem because pink is not my thing.  This is 2 coats. 
Gorgeous!  From the promo pics I thought this would be more of a true red but it isn't.  Its a gorgeous reddish purpley raspberry color and I adore it!  2 coats.
Another wonderful red creme added to my stash.  This is perfection in a bottle my friends.  I cannot get enough of good red cremes.  This one is so smooth, not too orange, and dries SO shiny.  2 coats.
Gah!  Love!  Super dark, vampy, red jelly.  It's got some brown in it but not too much.  It's killer awesome.  3 coats.  I really needed this when I did my vampies comparison but I didn't have it then so whatever.  My guess is that this one is right between Zoya Casey and Misa Love Bite.
So this is a tad less blue than shown here because my camera is the devil and loves to add more blue to anything purple.  It's so pretty though.  It's also a dead on dupe to Zoya Lael. 2 coats.

I've been dying to start another giveaway and it's been nearly impossible to wait until the first one was over.  But today I woke up in a foul mood with an incredibly sore throat from snoring and walked into my kitchen to find 4, count them FOUR, piles of Manatee crap.  FOUR!  We aren't talking 4 little nuggets here folks, there were four PILES.  He must have been saving it up all day like some sort of mobile poop piggy bank.  Do you know what that means?  It means that little butt hole got OUT of the bed with me on FOUR separate occasions, sauntered into my freaken kitchen, did his circle dance, and pinched a loaf.  Each time returned to my bed and snuggling back up with me in the warm covers as if he hadn't just shit in my kitchen!  He is STILL snuggled up in the warm bed this very minute!

So my morning got kicked off to a great start on my hands and knees on the freezing cold floor, scrubbing up Manatee presents.  After I collected myself, showered and had a few sips of coffee I realized a grand realization people!  This is my shit and I can do whatever I want!  So today the new giveaway starts!  
The new prize is a new bottle of Orly Enchanted forest, a gorgeous green creme, and a brand spanking new bottle of Matte Magic Top coat. 
Here is my swatch of enchanted forest, don't worry I have two bottles. 

The rules are the same as last time.  Tell somebody, link somebody, email somebody or whisper to a stranger in the checkout line about the contest and post who you told in the comments.  International followers welcome!  Contest ends Next Monday at midnight.

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