Do the glitter bug.

I love China glaze so much you guys.  But, I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that it is China Glaze's fault that I may have contracted freakin glitteritis! Glittermania!  Glittoral Cancer!  Athletes Glitter!  The glitter bug, people.  I'm being chased by the glitterati!  I have hepatitis G!!!

Now it goes without saying that I will fight the glitteritis with the utmost of force.  I simply am not able to let myself do whatever I please like some kind of bratty 8 year old with A.D.D. at the county fair.  I can't just be all fluttering around loving cremes one day and glitter the next.  It would create mass chaos people, MASS CHAOS. 

  So, I will keep wearing cremes with a BIG fat smile on my face. That is, until I crack and layer 7 coats of glitter over it at 2AM, crouched in a dark corner shaking like a meth addict, creating gloppy glitter soup that will never dry.  Then sit imprisoned at my desk for an hour scrubbing all the glitter puke off my nails.  That is what we call a "relapse".   It happens, ok.  Glitter is powerful stuff people, it takes impeccable self discipline to resist it's intoxicating shine!  However grueling and tiring of a task it may be to defeat glitteritis,  it is my decision to make, so don't push me. 

Here are some of the China Glaze glitters that have sent me into this out of character glitter obsession.  All of these are 2 thick coats using my nude base coat method.
Close-up of the goodness.
I think this one is my favorite chunky glitter of all time.
Holy hell, it's ATLANTIS!  Oh wait it's Atlantis the nail polish.  Still got me excited though.
Oh, snap this needs a top coat.  Somebody toss me some seche STAT!

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