Green Eggs and SPAM!

150 followers?  Whaaaaaat??

A number I never even half expected to see, also a number I am assuming is going to be about as good as it gets. In celebration of 150 readers I am going to have a photo spam extravaganza!

This time it is going to be YOUR pictures.  I am inviting all of you to email me your manicure photos.  I will be posting them up here in all their gorgeous, glory for all to see.  It's going to be awesome.  How awesome?  TOTALLY AWESOME!

I seriously cannot wait for the explosion of variety that this spamapalooza is going to be!  I am also scared for my television as I will most likely have to pawn it in order to acquire all the lemmings this post is sure to create!

Here is how I would like this to go down, playas. 

1- Email me at
2- Type "150" in the subject line.
3-  Include your photo in the form of an externally hosted link (photobucket, etc) if at all possible
4- Tell me what polish it is, and other details if you want (how many coats etc)
5- Tell me if you want me to post your user name with your photo, and the name you would like me to use.
6- If your photo is watermarked please include the name/link you would like me to use to credit you.

I will accept emails for one week or until they stop coming in, whichever comes first.  Assuming I will even get one entry.  I am trying to stay positive and not focus on just how FAT of a fail this could be if my email box sits empty.

Submitting a photo will enter you into yet ANOTHER giveaway/contest that I will be revealing the details of in my spamapalooza post.  Yeah, you didn't really think I was so self righteous that I thought people were clamoring to get a pic posted on my tiny little blog did you?  DID YOU?  Well if you did you were mistaken. Thank heavens right?  Well maybe not thanks heavens. More like thank reality, and the fact that I reside in it.  I hope everyone bothered to read down this far!  I mean wow, that would really suck if I was that lame.

As always international readers are welcome!

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