Dear Groundhog,

For the sake of all of us please BITE the crap out of that dude that takes you out of the fake box you live in all year, yeah RIGHT, to see if you can see your shadow.  He needs a serious reality check. Apparently the people that run the whole "Pulling the groundhog out of the box" event are a group of people that have never heard of the tradition before.

They just grab you, you poor little groundhog, and hold you up like a circus freak for all to see and NOBODY even pretends to look for a freakin shadow.  The tradition is not so culturally relevant that it can be minimized to this point and still be carried on throughout the years.  Like Christmas and Easter, the meaning is diminished but the tradition still holds it's importance.  But YOU little groundhog are not so important.  You see, if that moron that holds you up doesn't bother to LOOK for a shadow nobody gives 2 shits if you get taken out of that stupid fake box on the news once a year.

I think most of us think the groundhog is so super cute and just like Groundhog Day because we want to see a fuzzy little groundhog.  Well  Google is your friend. Viola! We can see a groundhog on any day, at any time!  Now, let's get that idiot that picks up the groundhog on the phones in a major banks call center and in charge of peoples bank accounts STAT!

I was all set last night to do a Groundhog Day manicure because I like to use holidays as excuses to do gaudy, cutesy, uncool nail art that I would otherwise not be caught dead wearing.  But then it occurred to me that Groundhog Day is a retarded holiday and not a good enough excuse to do anything.

So, instead of swatches, and in hopes of perking up this dumb holiday I'm going to do my first giveaway!  Up for grabs is a brand spankin' new bottle of  Seche Vite Dry fast Top Coat.  So, if you have never tried it here is your chance. Or, if you love it like me here is a shot at a free refill.

Oh yes, all this could be yours. To enter I am going to ask that you simply tell someone about the giveaway. Yep that's it, you can link somebody, email your Aunt Vicky, whisper it to your Grandma, mention it in passing to the checkout dude at wal-mart, all is fair.  I need some eyes on my blahg people!

So leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and say who you told and you're in dudes.  Contest ends next Tuesday at midnight. I will choose a winner randomly using that generator thingy.  I promise my next giveaway won't be so lame.

Love, MM

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