Crazy Crackle Combos! Part 1

Yes, I realize that at this point crackle polishes are totally played out, overdone, lame, and down right aggravating. I am doing this series anyway. Why? Because crackles are still new to me being behind the times and all. Also, I do whatever I feel like. K? 

I admit, when I am shopping I cringe at the sight of YET ANOTHER brand releasing YET ANOTHER set of crackles. The thing that irks me the most about it is that all these polish companies don't even TRY to be inventive or original in any way. They just keep cranking out the same exact crackle colors that every other company has already done. I find it kind of insulting to tell you the truth. I realize we are all in the business of making money so why not actually MAKE MONEY by offering us some new freakin colors? The other day I was in Walgreens and saw the new Sinful Colors display of nothing but rows and rows of BLACK CRACKLE! It made me want to take a step back and round house kick the display off the shelf and send it crashing to the floor. NEWS FLASH- I ALREADY HAVE BLACK CRACKLE!!! I'M PRETTY SURE WE ALL DO!  I am sorry that I am adding to the onslaught that is the crackle catastrophe, I just like crackles and I like how all the colors look layered over different stuff. Since I mess around with different combos all the time anyway I might as well take pictures and post them. 

So, here we have the first installment of crackle pics. Enjoy, and try not to vom. :D

 China Glaze Cracked Concrete over Finger Paints Vintage Velvet.
 Cracked Concrete over Finger Paints Lavender Highlight.
 China Glaze Fault Line over China Glaze Secret Peri-wink-le.
 China Glaze Platinum Pieces over Finger Paints Art of Theft. I REALLY don't like this silver crackle. I can't find anything it looks good over.
 OPI Black Shatter over China Glaze City Siren. LOVE!
 Fault Line over Icing Pretty as a Peacock. I love this combo! It was like having jewels on my nails.
 This is most likely going to be my Halloween Mani. It's Black Shatter over Orly Fresh.
 Mia Secret Gold Crackle over Ruby Kisses Deal With the Devil. I LOVE this Combo and also the Ruby Kisses polish and the name of the polish! I will have swatches and reviews of Ruby Kisses polishes in a few days.
 Mia Secret Green over Ruby kisses Purplelicious.
 Fault Line over Ruby Kisses Green Tomatoes.
 Opi Red Shatter over Ruby Kisses Steel Magnolia.

I have found the best way to get crackles to work well and make a lot of cracks is to apply the polish very thin. It will look sheer when you apply it but as it shrinks and cracks it becomes opaque. Also it never works for me if I go over it more than once. I never bother to let my base color dry all the way either. I haven't found a crackle yet that looks good without a topcoat.

Love, MM

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