Over the past month I have unlocked and opened the floodgates on MANY new polish brands I had never previously allowed myself to acquire. Well, that's a little more pleasant sounding than it actually was. I guess it was more like I BLEW the floodgates OFF THEIR HINGES going 90MPH in an 18 wheeler that may or may not have had a giant scull with flames shooting out it's eye sockets painted on the side. I also may or may not have been laughing maniacally with my head tilted back like Cruella Devil, gripping the steering wheel like a madwoman, while Billy Idol "Rebel Yell" blared out the windows.
You see, before the whole ramming of floodgates with a vehicular weapon thing, I had rules. Rules that kept me from going over the edge and accumulating mountains of polishes in mere DAYS. I had a few carefully chosen brands I stuck to. It made things simple and made it harder for me to go completely insane with the freakin polish collecting. But as you will see, THAT is all over now.
One of the brands that I unlocked was M.A.C. The second a swatch of Jade Dragon began to load on my laptop screen I was simultaneously opening a new window to M.A.C. online to buy the polish. I honestly don't even think the swatch picture finished loading before I hit the "send order" button. Ming Blue came along for the ride as well, because, well, IT'S BLUE! Not to mention, what am I supposed to do here? Have ONE bottle of M.A.C. sitting on my shelf looking all out of place and stupid? Um, NO. I am way too OCD for that crap.
Do you have a tissue handy?
*dabs tear* Are you seeing this? This polish is UN-FREAKIN-BELIEVABLE. It's my new favorite green. I love it so very much. It's super pigmented and is what I like to call a "careful one coater" as in, be CAREFUL and it will take one coat dude.
Hello! Wow, was I ever pleasantly surprised by this color! I mean I knew I would love it because it's blue but COME ON. I had no idea it would be this rich almost smokey yet vibrant, intensely AWESOME blue! This was a "careful 2 coater".
Before I go for the day I have a heinous confession to make. You know that whole floodgate business? Well... one of the brands that snuck in was... um... *wispers* oh pee eye. I KNOW! I remember THIS too!!! What can I say? I LIED! It was that damn Ski teal we drop that did me in! Then the little effers just started multiplying like mad! I think it all happened sometime in the midnight hour. I'm not entirely sure...
Love, MM
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