Superstar - Remember Me Red

Bit of a break in transmission, but we're getting down to the last month before Kaz and I head to Blighty so it's getting seriously busy, dudes.

Anyway - quickly on with my samples of Superstar polishes, and my utterly un-photogenic nails! Honestly, I just look back at old photos of my nails on this blog and want to cry. They used to be so nice - now 6 months of peeling, peeling, peeling. I don't understand it :(

Today I have a classic red, which usually makes me yawn. But as usual, as soon as I get it on my stumps it's a different story and I love it. I think I have red-blindness or something...

Unfortunately these are the only two photos that are good enough to print and don't show my completely shoddy cuticles in all their horror.

It's a jelly, people!
Red jelly. Highly pigmented, 2 coats.

Even my bad application and crappy nails can stop this from looking good :D
This is actually just as good as the Streetwear red jelly Kaz sent me, which was up til that point the best red I'd ever tried - jelly or no. Now I have two faves :)
Slam dunk again, Superstar!

Now, in other news - if any bloggers are up for meeting Kaz and I in London in early October, Helen over at Nice Things is helping us organise a day out. We're gonna hit Bond and Oxford Streets and scour them free of nail polish! Followed by a boozy lunch. And possibly more polish. Hopefully no police or ambulances....
In other words, it's gonna be a sexy party!

If you're interested, get in touch with Helen over at Nice Things and she'll give you the deets :D


Everytime I have leftover glitter pieces or mylar that I'm too lazy to put away I put them in an extra drawer I have. On these nails I took out all of my "leftovers" and put them randomly onto black acrylic. Soooo fun! I may have to do this more often. You just never know what you're going to get.

This is an opi gel polish design. I layered Happy Anniversary over Russian Navy. I also added little silver glitters for some bling. Everyone loves a little bling!

This client wanted red, white, black and fun. We both have a wild crazy creative side. So this is what we came up with. It is the perfect nail marriage. Thanks for saying, "I do!"

This client told me she's not too crazy about red after I did her nails.... oops my bad. Hopefully she still likes them. I must try harder to remember what each client likes and dislikes.

These are my nails. I didn't do them but hey they are fabulous so I still had to show them off!

On these nails I used xxx white acrylic from Young Nails. No marbling with the white at all which I loved! Anything to make it look like I'm a better nail tech than I really am. I added clear sequins and little clear glitters all over. They are very bling! Love them.

A crazy design for a crazy client what more can I say? LOL

Have I already posted a picture of this same design? I don't know I have done too many nails! I wanted to show the light lavender dots that I have just incase I haven't shown them before. They are from

This is a design I did with gel polish. The flowers are stickers and I painted the polka dots on.

I love a white french manicure with a little surprise... a litte twist.

BYS Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass

Well as you may have heard by now through all our screeching on Twitter, BYS has a new collection (although 3 polishes in my mind hardly constitutes a collection) which no one seems to have heard anything about till I found them in KMart by accident on Tuesday. I'm subscribed to their newsletter - how come I never got a head's up about this?? Is it a soft-release? An old one? No idea...

They look to be inspired by "Alice in Wonderland" - but before you go "Yeah, yeah - whatever. Another collection inspired by Alice. Bit late to the bandwagon, there..." just be aware that they are GLITTERS.

You can find the official pics over on the BYS website, but I only bought 2 of them, as the green one ("Adventures of Alice") was a bit meh in real life.

(L-R: Down the Rabbit Hole, Through the Looking Glass)

So without further ado, I give you my craptastic photos of what may be the best glitter BYS has ever produced (haven't tried "D.R.H." yet, so I'll reserve final judgement) - "Through the Looking Glass" -

An electric blue fine glitter, with even finer gold flecks...
Sorry the pics are a little dark in places - the weather is awful at the mo and so is the light...

The pigmentation isn't bad, but I put a layer of a random blue polish on first just so I didn't have to do too many layers to reach bottle colour. This is two layers of the actual glitter polish you're seeing here.

Although the glitter is fine, it's very dense and has quite a smooth finish.

Oh, gawd - my awful, awful hands - sorry! I managed to get a macro shot, but I realised when I downloaded it that there was a little issue with cleanup that wasn't obvious as I was taking it. So please just ignore the scattershot of glitter on my cuticles and look at the polish, people! :)

Trying to get some different light on the situation...

This is by far and away the best glitter I've ever had from BYS - the colour, the formula, the application - all above and beyond what you'd expect from a budget polish line. I'll say it once, I'll say it again - keep on doing what you're doing, BYS gang! Your work is STELLAR and us Aussie girls are loving your work lately.

Now, I discovered these in Kmart for the princely sum of $4.75 each (an absolute steal by Aussie standards, you overseas gals), but there were only a few left so they're going fast! Alternatively you can sit on your butt and order them from the comfort of your own home on Fashion Addict for $4.95 HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Sorry international readers - so far I don't know of any shops willing to send these overseas...

Back soon with "Down the Rabbit Hole" - which looks to me a bit like a grainy glitter version of OPI's My Private Jet...

Superstar - Party Purple

OK guys - another Superstar Lacquer - this one was my surprise favourite. :)

In the bottle, Party Purple looks like a nice enough dark amethyst polish, but on the nail - sooo gorgeous!

Unfortunately, with my nails the way they are, these are the only two pics worth publishing - complete nail fail!

Opaque in one coat (this is two, though) - high gloss, applies like buttah! I totally wasn't expecting to fall in love, but this is definitely down as one of my favourite purples of all time....

Don't you just love it when you get a nice surprise with a polish and adore it when you don't expect to?

Now, Ariana at Superstar also sent me a little something that anyone who loves neons will splooge over! Observe -

Can't see what I'm talking about? Blame Blogger.

Gah! Dark skinned honeys of Australia! It's almost Spring - get yourself some yellow polish now, O-M-Freaking-G!
(BTW - that colour is "Eccentric Yellow")


Weekend Funnies

Well I made it through friday the 13th without a piano falling on my head, so I call that a win! On with the funnies...

Felicia Day may be one of the coolest girls ever to grace the planet. This is the new promo for "The Guild" -

I love Allie Brosh's blog "Hyperbole and a Half", and she's started doing little animations with her cartoons. This is a re-enactment of what happened to her as a child...

A real 80's eye makeup tutorial!!

Superstar - Teterboro Teal

Hi guys! Long time no bloggy :)
Been busy and had some problems with Blogger, so I'll make do with a small post instead of a big one with four polishes like I was planning.

So today I have for you the first of some Superstar polishes the lovely Ariana at Superstar sent me to try. I'd vaguely heard of them before - mainly through Scrangie and Brooke's blogs, but I hadn't heard their formula was formaldehyde & formaldehyde resin free! YAY!

It's weird, but whenever I write "Superstar" I have Molly Shannon saying "Supastahh!" in my head :D

So anyway, Teterboro Teal is from the "Party in the City" collection, and the first one I tried cos I'm a sucker for blues :)

Now, Teal doesn't really come close to describing this colour. It's a very mermaid-y metallic, which sparkles blue/green depending on how the light hits it. I actually have a few colours very like this, but they've all disappointed me by being very transparent on the nail and needing copious layers to get to the bottle colour.

Not so with this...

Now, I'd like to ask you to PLEASE not look closely at my fingers - just the polish! Part of the reason the blog has been so silent lately is because my hands just look SO awful! I can't get certain nails to grow, the cuticles keep peeling and bleeding, and I have dozens of tiny cuts from work and the cats.

Suffice to say, my hands are really not photogenic right now, so these pics are the best of a bad lot!

Anyhoo - this is two coats, but the formula has a good consistency and pigmentation, so I could've done with just one. I need the extra protection a couple of layers of polish gives me, so I'm an habitual 2/3 coater.

The brush is just the right shape for me - being not to wide, and it's pretty glossy even without the top-coat I put on.

It practically glows - even in low light, as you can see.
I wore this to work three days in a row while we were re-stocking the shop and it only started chipping on the last day, which is a minor miracle considering what hardship it was up against :)

I was really impressed with my first try of Superstar, and I have 3 more to show you soon, too.

Superstars aren't readily available in Australia yet, but you can find them at their online store for $10 US.

Back soon - with a killer purple!


On these nails I took four different colors of purple acrylic and just randomly placed them across the nail. I painted white lines with a striping brush separating each color of purple. I added 3d flowers on the ring fingers.

On these nails my client picked out the 3 colors of stars she liked and then gave me permission to do what i wanted with them. I was inspired by the nails Krizia from young nails did. (there is a picture of them on a previous post) I really had a lot of fun with these.

These are some fun 3d acrylic flowers that I just had to play around with.

This is a really fun elegant look. This is a light pink from Young Nails called Sakura storm. I added some irridescent circle glitters as an accent.

This is black acrylic in nebula with a glitter mix in purple passion faded into it. I had to paint some little accents to make them super wild and sexy!

This is a glitter from in chunky funk. I also added a random design on some of the other fingers to coordinate with the chunky funk glitter mix.

Recently I learned how to add little glitters in with gel polish. This is opi gel polish in "opi ink". I added some little silver cirlcles and small black dots.

This is opi gel polish in "kyoto pearl" I added some purple stars and dots.
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